The Widget Company Bar and Grill Logo

The Widget Company Bar and Grill

Quality Food and Over 500 Types of Beer!

Tap to Call: 412-203-1996

Call Today: 412-203-1996
300 Bursca Drive Suite 301
Bridgeville, PA 15017
300 Bursca Drive Suite 301
Bridgeville, PA 15017

Gallery Overview

Below are our doctors

Cras et neque vel sapien facilisis dictum. Nullam id libero at lacus posuere volutpat sit amet eu lacus. Nullam elit nulla, semper id ultricies id, ornare at nisl. Vestibulum augue justo, condimentum quis elementum sed, aliquam sit amet diam. Morbi posuere, sem sed sodales lacinia, nisl tortor ornare justo, ut gravida purus est dictum ipsum. Curabitur molestie tincidunt augue. Integer sapien nisl, iaculis quis lobortis quis,

commodo non magna. Integer eleifend, tellus ac mattis laoreet, ligula ipsum congue tellus, pellentesque interdum mauris sapien vitae nulla. Aliquam velit dolor, luctus at cursus in, ullamcorper eget justo. Etiam vulputate pellentesque tortor. Aenean sit amet mattis justo.

Curabitur a turpis erat. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean non viverra arcu. Nulla malesuada enim id sapien lobortis sit amet commodo urna tincidunt. Praesent pulvinar, leo a facilisis ultricies, risus justo hendrerit nulla, ut interdum dolor justo a ligula. Sed vehicula faucibus nisi in hendrerit.


Restaurant 04
This is the fourth picture of our restaurant.

Restaurant 11
This is the eleventh picture of our restaurant.

Restaurant Bar Image 08

This is the eighth picture of our restaurant.  This picture shows our latest bar that was just installed in the restaurant


Restaurant 01
This is a picture of our Restaurant.  
This is where you could put Buy Now!

Restaurant 05
This is the fifth picture of our restaurant.

Restaurant 03
This is the third picture of our restaurant.

Restaurant 07
This is the seventh picture of our restaurant.

Restaurant 09
This is the ninth picture of our restaurant.

Restaurant 06
This is the sixth picture of our restaurant.

Restaurant 02
This is the second picture of our restaurant.

Restaurant 10
This is the tenth picture of our restaurant.


Phone: 412-203-1996
Fax: 666-666-6665
300 Bursca Drive Suite 301
Bridgeville, PA
15017, US

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