Sewer Flow LLC
Pittsburgh PA 15226
Say goodbye to your clogged sewer when you call Sewer Flow for hydro jetting, trenchless sewer repair and more plumbing and sewer services. Call 412-515-3569
Visit Our SML Site
Local Search doesn’t just drive customer behavior and purchasing decisions. Local SEO makes your business:
Search Magnet Local can be a stand-alone website or can be used to significantly enhance a current website. It is not designed to replace a business’s current website, but to enhance it through back-linking and special conversion techniques.
SML includes a complete mobile website for those companies that do not have a responsive website, a built-in blog system, social media integration, an online gallery, library, reviews, coupon management system, and more.
Reputation Builder Plus allows you to easily ask customers to review your business on the directories of your choice while protecting your online reputation and ensuring that any negative feed back will never reach the internet.
Through integration of multiple modules and your consistent activity, our program helps invite search engines to re-index your site more frequently.
Through integration of multiple modules and your consistent activity, our program helps invite search engines to re-index your site more frequently. Publishers, like Google, want activity and new content to rank you online. Our program gives you the ability to provide Google with what they want, as well as integration of web tools your website needs, to help win new clients.
When people are looking for a local product or service, they want it now. The website layout is designed to give customers the information they need, to choose your business or product immediately – phone number, map, hours and specific information about what you offer.
Over 55% of local searches on the Internet are conducted from Mobile Devices. Search Magnet Local includes a Mobile Website with marketing technology that helps promote your business.
A good online reputation is critical. Our modules, such as Online Reviews, Testimonials, and highlighted business overviews, will provide invaluable long-term results for your continued strong online credibility.
Our program allows for the Integration of Social Media such as Facebook, Twitter, Blogs and more. Allow us to set up your businesses Facebook Fan Page, Twitter and other social spaces your business needs to stay competitive. Online users spend more time on Facebook today then on Google.
Our system provides you cutting edge tracking, including visits to your website, form submissions, mobile website stats, Facebook, keywords used, and much more. New technology can be added for tracking and recording phone calls (on average, 70% of website conversions happen through a phone call).
This module allows you to create coupons and specials that easily display on your Search Magnet Local™ Business Listing. The system includes a javascript code which you can place on your primary website. The system allows you to schedule in advance when the coupons will display based on start date and then a stop date.
This module allows you to upload images to display on your Search Magnet Local™ Business Listing. It includes an automatic slideshow, thumbnails of the images, titles of the images and a section to write an overview describing the image. We also include java code that allows you to display a gallery onto your primary website, as well.
This module allows you to post press releases to your Search Magnet Local™ Business Listing. These are then reviewed by our team and, if appropriate, published to over 30 RSS news feeds. The press releases also include a code that allows you to display your press releases on your primary website!
This module allows for your clients and customers to post reviews on your products and services. The module allows for you to make comments on reviews, and the reviews are then submitted to Google to either be turned on or off as required..
This module allows for you or your clients to add testimonials to your website. Each testimonial submitted via your Search Magnet Local™ Business Listing requires your approval before it is displayed. The module also comes with code that allows you to display your testimonials on your primary website as well.
As part of your program we submit you to approximately 210 of the Top Business Directories, GPS Navigations Systems, News /Feed and Directory 411 Services.
Increase your real estate on the Internet and help build your Businesses' Online Reputation.